IV Conference on the Economics of Advertising
Thursday, June, 23
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9.45 |
10.00 |
Alexandre de Cornière (PSE, Paris) Online advertising and privacy Discussant: Alexis Belyanin (ICEF, Moscow) | |
10.50 |
Coffee Break
11.30 |
Rick Harbaugh (Indiana) Persuasive Puffery Discussant: André de Palma (ENS, Cachan) | |
12.20 |
Stefan Buehler (St. Gallen) Persuading Consumers with Social Attitudes Discussant: Roman Chuhay (HSE, Moscow)
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13.10 |
Lunch |
14.40 |
Ron Shachar (Duke) Advertising and Consumers Communications Discussant: Mariya Teteryatnikova (University of Vienna) | |
15.30 |
Roman Chuhay(HSE, Moscow) Marketing via Friends Discussant: Levent Celik (CERGE-EI, Prague), | |
16.20 |
Coffee Break |
17.00 |
Dina Mayzlin (Yale) Targeted Information Revelation through Word of Mouth Marketing and Advertising Discussant: Alexei Parakhonyak (HSE, Moscow) |
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Friday, June 24
9.00 |
Brett Gordon (Colombia) Advertising Effects in Presidential Elections Discussant: Ruben Enikolopov(NES, Moscow) | |
9.50 |
Paul Ellickson (Rochester) The Dynamics of Negative Electoral Advertising Discussant: Alexei Zakharov (HSE, Moscow) | |
10.40 |
Coffee Break
11.10 |
Levent Celik (CERGE-EI, Prague) Information Unraveling Revisited: Disclosure of Horizontal Attributes Discussant: Sergey Izmalkov (NES, Moscow) | |
12.00 |
Maarten Janssen (University of Vienna, HSE Moscow) Strategic Disclosure and Signaling of product quality with Price Competition Discussant: Winand Emons (Bern) | |
12.50 |
Lunch |
14.00 |
Martin Peitz (Mannheim) Markets for Ideas, Asymmetric Information and the Allocation of Managerial Skills Discussant: Anton Suvorov (NES, Moscow) | |
14.50 |
Maria Arbatskaya (Emory) Pricing and Advertising in a Market with Consumer Referrals Discussant: Maarten Janssen (University of Vienna, HSE Moscow) | |
15.40 |
Coffee Break |
16.10 |
Jean-Pierre Dube (Chicago) Price differential between generic and branded goods Discussant: Alexander Stepanov (HSE, Moscow) |
17.00 |
Simon Anderson (Virginia) Market research and targeting Discussant: Alexei Parakhonyak (HSE, Moscow) |
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