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  1. EARIE Conference, Stockholm, "Minimum Price Guarantees In a Consumer Search Model" (September, 2011)
  2. EEA Meeting, Oslo, "Minimum Price Guarantees In a Consumer Search Model" (August, 2011)
  3. University of Edinburgh, "Oligopolistic Markets with Costly Second Visits" (June, 2011)
  4. 2nd Workshop on Search and Swithcing Costs, Groningen, "Oligopolistic Markets with Costly Second Visits" (May, 2011)
  5. 2nd Workshop on Search and Swithcing Costs, Groningen, " Minimum Price Guarantees In a Consumer Search Model" (May, 2011)
  6. Royal Economic Society 2011 (London, UK) Paper: "Minimum Price Guarantees In a Consumer Search Model"  (April, 2011)
  7. University of Vienna, "Oligopolistic Markets with Costly Second Visits" (April, 2011)


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