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Prof. Andrea Galeotti's course

From the 1st to 4th of October Prof. Andrea Galeotti from University of Essex gave a mini-course "Social and Economics Networks".  The main goal of the course was to familiarize broad audience with economics of networks and to describe current state of the field. The course was well received by the interdisciplinary audience. Among students there were economists, sociologists, and people with mathematical background.

Workshop on Consumer Search

In June 2012 the Laboratory on Strategic Behaviour and Institutional Design organized a two day workshop on recent developments in Consumer Search.

New papers

Maarten Janssen has published two papers on topics covered by our research lab, namely on consumer search and auctions:

‘Sequential Consumer Search with Incompletely Informed Consumers, Rand Journal of Economics 2011 (42: 3), pp. 444-470, with Paul Pichler and Simon Weidenholzer.

‘Auctions with Flexible Entry Fees’, Games and Economic Behavior 2011
(72), pp. 594-601, with Vladimir Karamychev and Emiel Maasland.

A third paper is accepted and will be published in 2012:

Oligopolistic Competition in Price and Quality, Games and Economic
Behavior (forthcoming), with Andrei Dubovik.

Nick Vikander about his Moscow visit

Vladimir Karamyshev about his Moscow visit

Matthijs Wildenbeest about his Moscow visit

On May, 16-20 Matthijs Wildenbeest from Indiana University visited HSE with course "Structural Econometric Modeling in Industrial Organization". After his visit we got a short feedback: