Vladimir Karamyshev about his Moscow visit
LID: What was your purpose of visiting HSE (CInSt as a part of HSE)?
>> A short visit to give a research course on recent development in auction theory.
LID: What are your main projects at your home University?
>>My main research projects are: signaling in auctions, auctions with financial externalities, players’ optimal combinations of costly and costless signaling in some games, credible optimality in signaling games.
LID: What are your impressions on working here at HSE?
>>This is my alma mater. It has grown enormously and become better since I was here. I am always open and ready to come for a short stay if it makes HSE better.
LID: How do you like our city?
>>Very big and impressive. It looks like a different country and has very friendly citizens.
LID: Do you plan to continue your collaboration with HSE?
>>Yes, of course. At least I have many ties with some of the academic staff at HSE with which I maintain many research contacts.