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Workshop on Consumer Search


Thursday, June, 7




9.20    Welcome

9.30     Asher Wolinsky (Northwestern University), Search with Adverse Selection .pdf

Discussant:Andrew Rhodes (University of Oxford) .pdf

10.30  Sagit Bar-Gill (Tel Aviv University), Equilibrium Long-Tailed Sales in a Search Model .pdf

Discussant:Roman Chuhay (Higher School of Economics, Moscow)

11.30 Coffee

12.00  Arthur Fishman (Bar-Ilan University), Absentee Consumers, Search, Advertising, and Sticky Prices. .pdf

Discussant:Vaiva Petraykate (University of Groningen) .pdf

13.00  Lunch

14.30  Joshua Sherman (Vienna), An Empirical Analysis of Search Costs and Price Dispersion

Discussant:Mariano Tappata (UBC, Vancouver) .pdf

15.30  Sergei Koulayev (Keystone Strategy, LLC), Using Consumer Preferences to Improve upon Popularity Rankings in Online Markets

Discussant: Øyvind Nilsen Aas (Norwegian Business School, Oslo) .pdf

16.30  Tea

17.00  Maarten Janssen (University of Vienna and HSE, Moscow) Non-Reservation Price Equilibria .pdf

Discussant:Andrew Rhodes (University of Oxford) .pdf


Friday, June, 8


9.30    Simon Anderson (Virginia), Yield Management with consumer search costs .ppt

Discussant:Sergey Popov (Higher School of Economics, Moscow) .pdf

10.30  Stephan Lauermann (Michigan), Common Value Auctions with Bid Solicitation .pdf

Discussant:Anton Suvorov (New Economic School, Moscow) .pdf

11.30  Coffee

12.00 Jose Luis Moraga-Gonzalez (Free University Amsetrdam) Heterogeneous Consumer Information and the Effects of Competition

Discussant:Carlos Noton (University of Warwick) .pdf

13.00  Lunch

14.30  Sandro Shelegia  (University of Vienna), Triple Marginalization and Consumer Search .pdf

            Discussant:Chris Wilson (Loughborough University)

15.30  Alexei Parakhonyak (Higher School of Economics, Moscow), Oligopolistic Markets and Search Without Priors .pdf

Discussant:Mariya Arbatskaya (Emory University) .pdf

16.10  Tea

16.40  Hui Song (Paris, Cergy-Pointoise), Ordered Search with Asymmetric Product Design .pdf

            Discussant:Natalia Tsybuleva (The Centre for Economic and Financial Research)


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